Rollo C++, SDL, OpenGL
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Last update: 17.04.09
Language: French
Rollo is my second 3D project coded in C++ from scratch with OpenGL and SDL. I started it in August 2008.
I learned the basic OpenGL features from my previous project so this time I wanted to make something bigger. I achieved some interesting things: Map Editor,
Gravity, Score Uploading...
This project also helped me a lot to practice important stuff about OOP in C++.
The main goal of this game is to parcour the level as fast as possible and reach the end. There are about 10 different levels with increasing difficulty.
At the end of a level you could upload your score to this website and compare yourself to other players. Sadly this does not work anymore, since the game directs to an old domain.
Use the arrows to move.
Rollo has a map editor, accessible to everyone. It is not friendly to use though, I didn't focus on that.
You can also save your ghost after finishing a level, you can share it with friends so that they can see how skilled you are!